This fee-free course consists of two weekly online sessions designed to explore what creative research is and does, clarify your direction, and get you ready for your practice-based PhD. First, come to our online discussion and get the wider picture from our faculty. Then attend our tried and trusted proposal development workshop to hone your ideas and finally come back and get one-to-one feedback on your draft proposal. Give yourself the luxury of allowing your ideas the time to unfold and emerge from reflection on your practice, and start to prepare for your doctoral project now - you might surprise yourself by being ready to apply sooner than you expect.

Session 1:
friday, 18 october 2024
14:00-15:30 UTC

An Online round tabLe and Primer

Join Transart's Head of Doctoral Studies, Dr Michael Bowdidge and guests for a round table discussion and Q&A session that unpacks and unfolds the unique Transart approach to creative research. Learn the key principles that underpin and inform practice-based research in almost every discipline and how your creative practice can contribute to this timely and urgent global project.

Session 2:
friday, 25 october 2024
14:00-16:30 utc

"Entwining the Threads"
an online research proposal development workshop (16 places)

Every successful practice-based research project springs from the questions that lie at the very heart of our creative practice. This sounds obvious, but it's the key to ensuring that your project is moving, intellectually rigorous and remains creatively vital. This workshop will help you write an effective research proposal to unlock and kickstart your creative research project.

Session 3:
friday, 4 november 2024
8:00-16:30 UTC

One-to-one feedback on your proposal 
(choose a 30-minute slot)

Sign up for dedicated one-to-one feedback on your draft proposal. Get real-time, actionable and relevant feedback to find your project's voice, hone your creative research proposal and prepare you to embark on graduate research in creative practice.

In Transart’s innovative courses, your creative practice entwines with writing and reflection to become rigorous and original research—in short; your practice is the research. Our intuitive, responsive courses provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to come to grips with and explore the deep questions that drive your creative work. Your time in the program will also transform your practice and awareness of what it can do and result in a significant contribution to knowledge in your field while also strengthening your standing in the academic jobs market. Your research will culminate in submitting an integrated thesis, including a presentation, exhibition, publication, reading, performance, screening, or other forms of dissemination. We offer degrees in partnership with the esteemed Liverpool John Moores University, our accrediting institution.

Sign up

sign up for upcoming sessions here

friday 18 oct: 14:00-15:30 utc
Round Table Panel Discussion

friday 25 oct: 14:00-16:30 utc
Proposal Development session 

friday 4 november: 8:00-16:30 UTC
One-to-one PHD Proposal Feedback sessions here